Reverse conducting IGBT with monolithic body diode; 1350V; 40A; 310W; tf=50ns
Reverse Conducting IGBT with monolithic body diode; 1200V; 60A; 349W; tf=39ns
Reverse conducting IGBT with monolithic body diode; 1350V; 60A; 349W; tf=47ns
TrenchStop® Reverse Conducting (RC-)IGBT with monolithic body diode; 1600V; 30A; 312W; tf=38.3ns
GBTinTrenchandFieldstoptechnologywithsoft,fastrecoveryanti-paralleldiode; 1200V; 50A; 326W; tf=17ns
High speed Duopack : IGBT in Trench and Fieldstop technology; 600V; 30A; 187W; tf=22ns
IGBT in TRENCHSTOP and Fieldstop technology with soft, fast recovery anti-parallel Emitter Controlled HE diode; 600V; 30A; 187W; 5us; Vce=1.5V
High speed DuoPack: IGBT in Trench and Fieldstop technology with soft, fast recovery anti-parallel diode; 1200V; 80A; 483W; tf=16ns